City of Kingston public meeting on Foxhall and Flatbush

The City of Kingston and its engineering consultants (GPI) are holding a virtual public meeting on March 4th (Thursday) at 12pm via Zoom for the Safe and Accessible Foxhall and Flatbush Avenues project. This project seeks to improve safety for those who drive, walk, and bicycle within the study area, from the Colonial Gardens Apartments on Flatbush Avenue to and along Foxhall Avenue to Broadway.

Zoom meeting information:
To join the webinar:
Passcode: 5xC80y9Y
Or dial in by phone: 646 558 8656
Webinar ID: 845 2192 6659
Passcode: 18856052

During the meeting, the City and GPI will share several design options for Foxhall and Flatbush Avenues. The public will have an opportunity to provide input and ask questions. There will be live Spanish interpretation during the meeting.

Please help us share the meeting information with your email lists and on your social media platforms! You can share the Facebook event for the meeting as well. Feel free to forward this email and the flyer attachment.

English Facebook Event (English)


Facebook Event (Spanish)

To learn more about the project and to share your thoughts about the types of pedestrian/bicycle features you want to see on Foxhall and Flatbush, please visit the project website:

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